Our exciting NEW brochure of Day Trips will be avaliable in April 2017.
In the meantime, there are still spaces avaliable on our current trips.
Why not go go shopping in Canterbury, Westwood Cross or even Romford Market! Fancy taking in some of our beautiful countryside or wonderful history and culture then a visit to Hampton Court Gardens is on offer. Plus many many more fantastic opportunites to get out, explore, make new friends, see the sights and refresh the soul.
CLICK HERE to view, Download or Print your own brochure.
If you want to speak to a member of the Wheels team then please do call the Sheppey Matters office on 01795 585 335.
Our opening times for bookings are Monday-Friday bewtween 9am and 3pm or pop in to Sheppey Matters on the second floor of Sheppey HLC in Sheppey Lesiure Complex, Sheerness, ME121HH.
If you would like to support the work we do then please donate whatever you can via the PayPal button below:
Sheppey Matters
c/o Sheppey Healthy Living Centre, Off the Broadway, Sheerness, Kent, ME12 1HH